Property Building in Quality Inn
Quality Inn

Quality Inn


Quality Innへようこそ!インディアナ州ラファイエットでの完璧なホームアウェイフロムホームです!活気ある市中心部からわずか4.3マイルの場所に位置するこの魅力的な3つ星インは、リラクゼーションと冒険へのチケットです。屋内および屋外のプールで贅沢を味わったり、ビーチチェアでくつろいだり、美しい庭を散策したり—すべてはあなたの楽しみのために。価格はわずか$84から始まり、手頃な快適さを手に入れることができます!

素晴らしい無料の朝食で一日をスタートさせましょう—それはあなたの冒険のための完璧な燃料です!Quality Innは快適な客室だけでなく、無料Wi-Fi、フィットネスセンター、リフレッシュできるスパも完備しています。ビジネスでの旅行者には、無料のビジネスセンターと会議施設がすべてのニーズに応えます。そして、家族向けのオプションをお探しの方には、子供向けのビュッフェと子供用の食事が小さなお子様を喜ばせることでしょう!

素晴らしい91件のレビューが私たちの卓越したサービス、快適な宿泊施設、そして多くのアメニティを強調しており、ゲストが私たちの滞在について絶賛するのも不思議ではありません!ビジネスでもレジャーでも、Quality Innは思い出に残る体験を提供するために整っています。1600カンバーランドアベニューで私たちを訪れ、ラファイエットが提供するすべてをリラックスして探検するのに最適な場所である理由を発見してください!

Bedroom, Bed in Quality Inn
Property Building in Quality Inn



2 ダブルベッド


300 平方フィート

ルーム - ダブルベッド2台




1 キングサイズベッド






Quality Innでは楽しみが止まりません!私たちのきらめく屋外塩水プールで日光浴を楽しんだり、大人専用の温水屋内プールでリフレッシュしたりしたら、ラファイエットを探索する準備が整います。この町は、魅力的なショップや口の中でとろけるような飲食店、ピクニックやのんびりした散歩を楽しめる活気ある公園など、地元のアトラクションであふれています。地元の博物館で文化体験に飛び込む気分でも、ショッピングで贅沢を楽しむ気分でも、ラファイエットには旅行者の好みに合った何かがあります。


Quality Innでは、滞在のすべての瞬間を思い出深いものにすることを信じています。カップル、家族、または一人旅の探検者に合わせたさまざまな客室タイプの快適な宿泊施設を提供し、簡単で楽しい宿泊を実現します。さらに、私たちのフレンドリーなスタッフが常にあなたの旅行を最大限に楽しむお手伝いをします。冒険心を持って、Quality Innをラファイエット、インディアナでの素晴らしい getaway の楽しい拠点にしてください!

Property Building in Quality Inn
Property Building in Quality Inn










Bed in Quality Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Quality Inn


屋内の, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 温水, 塩水


季節限定, 温水, 塩水

Swimming Pool in Quality Inn
Bedroom, Bed in Quality Inn
Property Building in Quality Inn
Room was awesome. We had a king suite on the first floor with a patio and it was huge. 2 flat screen tv's, refrigerator, microwave, etc. all a plus. Bed & pillows were super comfortable. Furniture all very comfortable & accommodated all our visitors. Staff was super friendly & answered all our questions. We ordered lunch from Applebee's right next door & set up tables in the big atrium for our party of 8 to eat. It was really nice out there with live trees & plants, etc. Great place to stay with large groups - when pool is open. Walmart directly across the street a bonus.


The staff was super friendly and helpful. I have been staying there for years and did not realize the beds were full size not queens. There was going to be four of us, so we requested the room next to us. The staff were very happy to let us have both rooms at a discounted rate. They were always friendly when we were coming and going. I'm looking forward to staying next year after the renovations are complete.


The most comfortable bed I ever slept in. Those pillows are so comfortable I almost ended up leaving with two of them, but I could never do that. I took a picture of the inside of the pillow tag so I could order them. You’re staff has to be the friendliest people I’ve ever met. How is it that I’ve never run into a person that worked there that didn’t have a smile on their face? I absolutely love this hotel.


Although we have to pay 5 bucks for breakfast, it was worth it. The food was good and hot. The location was in a good spot.


Pool was closed and left early before breakfast. Great location which is close to Purdue. The room was clean and good size.


Room was awesome. We had a king suite on the first floor with a patio and it was huge. 2 flat screen tv's, refrigerator, microwave, etc. all a plus. Bed & pillows were super comfortable. Furniture all very comfortable & accommodated all our visitors. Staff was super friendly & answered all our questions. We ordered lunch from Applebee's right next door & set up tables in the big atrium for our party of 8 to eat. It was really nice out there with live trees & plants, etc. Great place to stay with large groups - when pool is open. Walmart directly across the street a bonus.


The staff was super friendly and helpful. I have been staying there for years and did not realize the beds were full size not queens. There was going to be four of us, so we requested the room next to us. The staff were very happy to let us have both rooms at a discounted rate. They were always friendly when we were coming and going. I'm looking forward to staying next year after the renovations are complete.


The most comfortable bed I ever slept in. Those pillows are so comfortable I almost ended up leaving with two of them, but I could never do that. I took a picture of the inside of the pillow tag so I could order them. You’re staff has to be the friendliest people I’ve ever met. How is it that I’ve never run into a person that worked there that didn’t have a smile on their face? I absolutely love this hotel.


Although we have to pay 5 bucks for breakfast, it was worth it. The food was good and hot. The location was in a good spot.


Pool was closed and left early before breakfast. Great location which is close to Purdue. The room was clean and good size.


Room was awesome. We had a king suite on the first floor with a patio and it was huge. 2 flat screen tv's, refrigerator, microwave, etc. all a plus. Bed & pillows were super comfortable. Furniture all very comfortable & accommodated all our visitors. Staff was super friendly & answered all our questions. We ordered lunch from Applebee's right next door & set up tables in the big atrium for our party of 8 to eat. It was really nice out there with live trees & plants, etc. Great place to stay with large groups - when pool is open. Walmart directly across the street a bonus.


The staff was super friendly and helpful. I have been staying there for years and did not realize the beds were full size not queens. There was going to be four of us, so we requested the room next to us. The staff were very happy to let us have both rooms at a discounted rate. They were always friendly when we were coming and going. I'm looking forward to staying next year after the renovations are complete.


The most comfortable bed I ever slept in. Those pillows are so comfortable I almost ended up leaving with two of them, but I could never do that. I took a picture of the inside of the pillow tag so I could order them. You’re staff has to be the friendliest people I’ve ever met. How is it that I’ve never run into a person that worked there that didn’t have a smile on their face? I absolutely love this hotel.


Although we have to pay 5 bucks for breakfast, it was worth it. The food was good and hot. The location was in a good spot.


Pool was closed and left early before breakfast. Great location which is close to Purdue. The room was clean and good size.



1600 Cumberland Ave, Lafayette, 47906, インディアナ州, アメリカ

Quality Inn